David Mitchell
Maritime competency : CoxwainFood Safety : NSW Food Safety Training and Certification, Manage and Operate a Biotoxin Management Plan, Accredited Water Sampler
David Mitchell
Dave Mitchell has been a professional fisherman since 1972, and is based at South West Rocks on the NSW Mid-North coast. Mitch is endorsed in the NSW Estuary General Fishery, harvesting pipi and beach worms.
Mitch is the manager and coordinator of the Mid-North Coast biotoxin management plan, involving weekly laboratory water testing and monthly pipi flesh sampling, ensuring exceptional quality and product safety.
Mitch has helped to organise and run the Loaves and Fishes Barbeque at South West Rocks since 2011. Loaves and Fishes is a community engagement educational event that is proudly assisted by OceanWatch Australia.
Mitch has a history of initiating and assisting sustainability research. For this work, his Ocean Hauling Crew was highly commended in the NSW Seafood Industry Awards for Environmental Excellence on two occasions.