Sustainability and Training
Anthony Reisenweber is a recognised OceanWatch Master Fisherman. He harvests seafood respecting the aspects of responsible and sustainable fishing incorporated in the Master Fisherman Program.
This includes implementation of best practice in bycatch reduction devices and techniques, animal welfare, threatened species management, quality assurance, Indigenous fishing awareness, biosecurity, workplace safety and accurate reporting.
Queensland Responsible Fisheries Code of Best Practice
The Queensland seafood industry acknowledges the right to fish carries with it an obligation to do so in a responsible manner. This ensures effective conservation and management of living aquatic resources. The code is designed to align with principles of the UNFAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.
Ecological Assessments for consistency with the EPBC Act
Ecological assessments are completed for each of the major QLD wild catch fisheries to help ensure they are managed in a sustainable way.
Queensland Mud Crab Ecological Assessment 2021
Queensland Blue Swimmer Crab Ecological Assessment 2021
Queensland Mud and Blue Swimmer Crab Harvest Strategies
The Queensland mud crab and blue swimmer crab fisheries are assessed for consistency with the EPBC Act and managed through Harvest strategies, providing a framework to ensure ecological sustainability and to develop and guide contemporary best practice.