Sustainability & Training
Luke Webber
Master Fisherman and Codes of Practice
Luke is a recognised OceanWatch Master Fisherman. He harvests seafood respecting the aspects of responsible and sustainable fishing incorporated in the Master Fisherman Program including quality assurance, bycatch reduction devices and techniques, animal welfare, threatened species management, etc.
As a NSW Fisherman, Luke is working according to the following fishing industry Codes of Practice. Industry codes of practice are a commitment to environmental best practice and are aligned with the principles and objectives of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation.
- NSW Ocean Trap and Line Fishery Code of Practice
- NSW Ocean Trap and Line Fishery Code of Practice for Reducing Whale Entanglements
Environmental Impact Statements
An environmental impact assessment has been completed for each of the major NSW wild catch fisheries to help ensure they are managed in a sustainable way.
Jamie is working respecting the:
Fisheries Management Strategies
Fisheries management strategies are guidelines for NSW professional fisheries, developed with an intent to accredit fishing activities in NSW as sustainable under both State and Commonwealth legislation.
Jamie is working according to:
Go on our Sustainability page to learn more about sustainability in seafood industry.